Cyanea asplenifolia

(H.Mann) Hillebr. (1888)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae Genus: Cyanea

hāhā [haha]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs 1.3–2 m tall, with white, yellow, or tan latex.

Stems: Stems unbranched or sparingly branched from base, sparsely muricate.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades pinnately divided, cut ¾–7/8 the distance to the midrib, blades 22–42 cm long, 8–25 cm wide (across the segments), the segments 10–15 per side, lanceolate to elliptic, 10–25 mm wide, the lobes obtuse. Upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces sparsely pubescent and muricate on midrib and veins. Margins irregularly lobed. Petioles 4.5–10 cm long, muricate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences 8–15–flowered in axillary racemes, the rachis sometimes not expanded, the raceme thus appearing subumbellate; peduncles 20–50 mm long; pedicels 8–12 mm long; hypanthium obconical, 4–6 mm long, 3–4 mm wide. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Calyx 5-lobed, lobes narrowly oblong, 2–5 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, distinct or rarely connate, apex acute to acuminate; tube adnate to ovary. Corolla zygomorphic, 30–38 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, sparsely pubescent, the tube suberect to gently curved, dorsally cleft to about the middle, the lobes connate, spreading, ⅓–1⁄2 as long as the tube, sparsely muricate. Stamens 5, alternate with corolla lobes, connate; staminal column glabrous; anthers glabrous, the lower 2 with apical tufts of white hairs, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits, coherent but separating after anthesis or connate and forming a tube into which pollen is shed; filaments distinct or connate above, attached to the epigynous nectary disk or to base of corolla, rarely adnate to corolla tube. Ovary inferior, 2-celled; ovule placentation axile; stigma 2-lobed, wet or dry, appressed and nonreceptive as the style grows through the anther tube, pushing out the pollen, after which the stigmas spread apart and become receptive.

Fruit: Berries unknown. Seeds unknown.


Habitat: Formerly occurring in mesic valleys.

Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Maui Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Fl. Hawaiian Isl.: 260 (1888)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:445 (WM)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN collector unknown s.n. Maui US
2 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 464 GH
3 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep, shady slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. Collector Number: H100027 Maui BISH 10/15/2000
4 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. meidell & h. l. oppenheimer 210 Maui US 9/12/1997
5 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 431.m. Pearl And Hermes Atoll US 9/25/1917
6 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Maui US
7 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep, windward slope above stream, 75 m below ridgetop and 200 m above streambed. Semi-open 5 m canopy PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 210 Maui BISH 9/12/1997
8 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. Collector Number: H10006 Maui BISH 1/7/2000
9 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Scott Meidell 210 Maui PTBG 12/9/1997
10 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 431 m Maui BISH 9/25/1917
11 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H10014 Maui BISH 1/17/2000
12 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. 464 Maui BISH 2/6/1905
13 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Medeiros, A.C.; Hobdy, B.; Duvall, F.; Chimera, C. Collector Number: H10014 Maui BISH 1/17/2000
14 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 431 M Maui BISH 9/25/1917
15 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. medeiros, a.c.; hobdy, b.; duvall, f.; chimera, c. collector number: h10014 Maui BISH 1/17/2000
16 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep slope near stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h100036 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
17 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. collector number: h10007 Maui BISH 1/7/2000
18 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep slope near stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100036 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
19 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep slope. Specimen from 1 of 6 plants within a 30 m radius under semi-open 5 m canopy. Assoc. veg.: Metrosideros polymorpha, Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Antidesma platyphyllum, Melicope clusiifolia, Ilex anomala, Broussaisia arguta, Freycinetia arborea, Sadleria pallida, Cibotium glaucum, Elaphoglossum parvisquameum, Mecodium recurvum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 209 Maui BISH 9/12/1997
20 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 210 Oahu BISH 9/12/1997
21 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. Collector Number: H10007 Maui BISH 1/7/2000
22 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep, shady, windward facing slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100034 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
23 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 464 Maui BISH
24 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Meidell, J.S. 202 Maui BISH 6/5/1997
25 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Degraded mesic Forest w. Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, Pleomele auwahiensis, Nestegis sandwicensis, Cinchona pubescens. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. collector number: h100022 Maui BISH 10/15/2000
26 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep, shady slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100027 Maui BISH 10/15/2000
27 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2540.m Maui BISH 6/16/1920
28 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep, shady, windward facing slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H100034 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
29 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Degraded mesic Forest w. Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, Pleomele auwahiensis, Nestegis sandwicensis, Cinchona pubescens. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H100022 Maui BISH 10/15/2000
30 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. collector number: h10006 BISH 1/7/2000
31 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H10007 Maui BISH 1/7/2000
32 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 202 Maui BISH 6/5/1997
33 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep, shady, windward facing slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: h100034 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
34 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 464 Maui BISH
35 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on a steep slope in dense shade. Area is surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of Eucalyptus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H10006 Maui BISH 1/7/2000
36 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep slope. Specimen from 1 of 6 plants within a 30 m radius under semi-open 5 m canopy. Assoc. veg.: Metrosideros polymorpha, Syzygium sandwicensis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Antidesma platyphyllum, Melicope clusiifolia, Ilex anomala, Broussaisia arguta, Freycinetia arborea, Sadleria pallida, Cibotium glaucum, Elaphoglossum parvisquameum, Mecodium recurvum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h.l. collector number: 209 Maui BISH 9/12/1997
37 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2540.M Maui BISH 6/16/1920
38 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On steep slope near stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Collector Number: H100036 Maui BISH 10/19/2000
39 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Degraded mesic Forest w. Acacia koa, Metrosideros polymorpha, Pleomele auwahiensis, Nestegis sandwicensis, Cinchona pubescens. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. Collector Number: H100022 Maui BISH 10/15/2000
40 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Degraded mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100022 Maui PTBG 10/15/2000
41 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN meidell, j.s. oppenheimer, h. collector number: 209 NY 9/12/1997
42 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Scott Meidell & Hank Oppenheimer 155 Maui PTBG 12/26/1996
43 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100027 Maui PTBG 10/15/2000
44 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100036 Maui PTBG 10/19/2000
45 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Remnant Acacia koa/Metrosideros polymorpha mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H10006 Maui PTBG 1/7/2000
46 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H100034 Maui PTBG 10/19/2000
47 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. 464 Maui BISH 2/6/1905